

Create an ActivityIndicator programmatically

UIActivityIndicatorView *myActivityIndicator = [[UIActivityIndicatorView alloc] initWithActivityIndicatorStyle:UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleWhite];

//Center to view
myActivityIndicator.center = self.view.center;
myActivityIndicator. autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleLeftMargin | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleTopMargin | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleRightMargin | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleBottomMargin;

//Add to view
[[self view] addSubview:myActivityIndicator];


QTKit - Change Volume via IB Slider

To change the volume of a movie with a slider from the interface:

#import Cocoa/Cocoa.h
#import QTKit/QTKit.h

@interface MyControler : NSObject {
IBOutlet QTMovieView *MyMovieView
IBOutlet NSSlider *MyVolumeSlider
-(IBAction) changeVolume:(id)sender;


#import MyControl.h
#import QTKit/QTKit.h

implementation MyControl

-(IBAction) changeVolume:(id)sender
float volumeValue = [sender floatValue];
[[MyMovieView movie] setVolume:volumeValue];

The Slider in the interface must be set to MaxValue 1 and MinValue 0, while the volumeValue is a float value.


QTKit - Movie duration

Get movie duration:

//as String
-(void) movieDuration(QTMovie *)movie{
QTTime mDuration = [movie duration];
NSString *wholeDuration = (QTStringFromTime( mDuration ));
return wholeDuration;

wholeDuration will be displayed in format d:hh:mm:ss:timeValue:timeScale
To get format hh:mm:ss as string to display:

-(void) movieDuration(QTMovie *)movie{
NSRange durationRange = NSMakeRange(2,8);
QTTime mDuration = [movie duration];
NSString *wholeDuration = (QTStringFromTime( mDuration ));
wholeDuration = [wholeDuration substringWithRange:durationRange];
return wholeDuration;

//as Value
-(void) movieDuration(QTMovie *)movie{
QTTime mDuration = [movie duration];
long long wholeDuration = (mDuration.timeValue);
return wholeDuration;

wholeDuration will be displayed in format timeValue
  • duration = QTTime movie duration, see QTMovie docs for more information.
  • timeValue = Duration of the movieclip in format frames

QTKit - Current frame

Get the current frame from a movie:

-(void) currentMovieFrame:(QTMovie *)movie {
QTTime currentTime = [movie currentTime];
long long currentFrame=(currentTime.timeValue/currentTime.timeScale)*currentTime.timeScale/100;
return currentFrame;

  • currentTime = QTTime movie current time duration, see QTMovie docs for more information.
  • timeValue = Duration of the movieclip in format frames
  • timeScale = Framerate of the movieclip in format 2997, 2400 etc.


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